Multi Media Sand Filtration System in Dubai
AED 0.00
InStockIf you are looking for Multi Media Sand Filtration System in Dubai then Aqua filter Water Treatment Equ. Tr. LLC is one of the best company to supply it. Aqua filter has complete range of water filtration system for commercial use or residential use.
Filter process of Multi Media Sand Filtration System
Multi Media Sand filter works like Pre-filtration system water used in Swimming pool, Groundwater purification, water treatment plants etc. Row water is passed through the sand filter. When water is passed through the device sand filter works as filter to remove solids, small particles such as silt, clay, grit etc.
Generally multimedia sand filter has 3-4 layers of fillings like gravels, pebbles, sand, and anthracite. It removes particles down to 15-20 microns. With use of a coagulant addition it can filter particles down to 5-10 microns.
Availability of Multi Media Sand Filtration System in Dubai
Aqua filter is one of the best suppliers in Dubai to supply sand filter. Product and services are available in all the states of UAE. If you want experts advice on which product to choose for your feel free to contact our experts
Telephone: +971 4 2244304
Phone: +971 50 8577865, 55 3247393
Below are the specification of Multi Media Sand Filtration System in Dubai. In case of any clarification required please contact us.
Model number: 13×54 – 16×65- 21×63 – 24×69 – 30×72 – 84×82
Mineral Tank Size (Inches): 13×54 – 1665- 21×63 – 24×69 – 30×72 – 84×82
Service Flow: 15- 21-39- 48 Up to 330 GPM
Features & Benefits
• Polyamide vessels; corrosion resistant
• Cost-effective solution
• Easy access for maintenance
• Valves electrically driven; no air supply
• Manual / automatic backwashing
• Simplex and duplex configurations; Flexibility
Md. Javed ali –
Multimedia sakde filtration system is really good product. We really recommend to use it for 1st level processing. Aqua filter helped us to set up for us so we are really thankful to the service team . Really recommend product and service thanks.
Md. Sultan Ashraf –
Multi Media Sand Filtration System by Aqua filter is really a first choice for sand filter for initial stage water filtration system. Price of Multi Media Sand Filtration System is affordable and best price as compared to other suppliers in Dubai so recommend to go with Aqua filter for all types of water filtrations system.
Aqua filter Multi Media Sand Filtration System quality is just awesome. Bases on my friend recommendation we recently we ordered Multi Media Sand Filtration System from Aqua filter and it is really a good product We really liked it. Now I can say yes Aqua filter is really awesome be it price wise, quality wise and service wise all good Aqua filter you are the best.
Mohd. Irfan –
Multimedia sand filter is really good for initial stage filtration. It works well. It is customized to provide solution for initial stage filtration and it works well. Thanks Aqua filter for helping us to choose the best product to meet our requirement.
Haanish Khan –
Multi Media Sand Filtration System is really good. We recently got it for our home by taking Aqua filter experts advice. Support team is really good and product is really good.
Badr-al-Din –
Multi media water filtration system is really a good product. Thanks to Aqua filter for giving us good advice to choose best water filtrations System.
Manzoor Ali Khan –
Multi Media Sand filtration system is really worth to buy. Aqua filter has been always my first choice for water filtration related requirements. Thanks to Aqua filter for your extended support.
Syed Abdul Basheet –
Sand filter is good for initial stage filtration system. We liked the quality for initial stage filter. it worked as per our requirement. No complaint for excellent and good quality product.
Rehan ali –
Aquafilter is always a best water filtration system suppliers in Dubai. Really recommend aqua filter
Tabazur alam –
Aqua filter is the best water filtration system suppliers in Dubai. Products are really excellent quality.